Literal Translation: See comments for now
Release name: (Still pending)
Very conflicted about what this is called. Me and Shijima thought it was Aishi wo Tome, but a lot of places online show it as Itoshi. I'll figure it out later.
CURRENT PROGRESS: Chapter 2 is done. 3 is started.
Story Tags:
Yuri, Incest (cousins), Female Rape, Straight Rape (later chapters)
Warning: There are scenes of rape by males and females against the main characters. Please be advised. Because of the importance to the story, these scenes will be left in.
Album online: Itoshi wo Tome (Picasa)
Zip files to come.
Translator: TsundereYuriko
Editing to be done by: Beotkkot
Raw provider: Shijima
A BIG thanks to Shijima and Winterbraid of Wings of Yuri!
Another big thanks to Erin of Yurizaki for helping me translate the title! (Which we are still trying to do xD)
I don't know what has happened with my editor. Beottkot has not been replying to any emails. I have really been wanting to show this off, and I'm not an experienced editor, so hopefully this will do for now.
Once Beotkkot finishes the edit, you can read the manga in final release format.
How to read:
P: Panel. D: Dialogue. B: Box. SE: Sound effect.
P3D5 Would be the 3rd panel on the page and the 5th dialogue on the page.
Vocab list:
裳着 Mogi: Heian period coming-of-age ceremony for girls
姫 Hime: Princess. A respectful term for a high ranking woman, not necessarily a crown princess. Can be used to show nobility.
右大臣 Udaijin. Minister of the Right (official in Nara and Heian periods). This is apparently the rank of Tachibana's father.
成人式 Seijinshiki: Coming-of-age celebration. On the year you turn 20, you attend a ceremony of adulthood commencement. This tradition continues today in Japan.
様 Sama: A very respectful term, used for people of high class or rank.
帝 Mikado: Emperor of Japan
This is a yuri story that takes place in feudal Japan. Tachibana-hime and Sakura are of royalty, and love each other dearly. But in the world and time they live in, and with the obligations royalty must fulfill, can they really be together?
Chapter Jump! (clicking will scroll the page down to the chapter)
Chapter 1: Dawn (page 006) (Warning: Contains scenes of female rape)
Chapter 2: Early Morning (page 021) (Warning: contains a little violence and blood)
Chapter 3: Late Morning (page 037) (No unsafe content)
Chapter 4: Afternoon (page 053) (Warning: Contains a little blood and an adult rated scene between Tachibana and Sakura)
Cover, page 001

Itoshi wo Tome
~kimi ga kokoro wa~
page 002
1st Omake page

p1 box
If this story took place in modern day...
P1 D1
Let's go to the Netherlands and marry!
P1 D2
Ok! (heart)
P2 d1
You will marry the emperor!
P2 se1
P2 se2
Yeah right!
Isn't that sexual harrassment!?
Ending in 2 koma.
Omake 1.
P3 text
The maid saw them!
P4 b
What's with all the Yuri books!?
The shop sold out!
Whoah, seriously?
Go away.
Book held: Yuri
P1 right text
At the time, the princess would not get out very much.
I got it!!
P1 left text
Of course she would never work, either.
P2 right text
We asked her what she does in a given day,
P2 middle text
She said that she likes playing games,
碁: Go Board
貝合わせ: Shells
P2 left text
reading books, and writing letters.
P3 right text
If we think about all that, and added to the facts that she...
P3 middle text
Writes her stories in her diary,
P4 left text
replicates them and sends them to her friend...
p4 d1
She would be an Otaku!
あの のこぎい:That saw
あの 三角:Those Triangles
P4 d2
There are no two ways about it!
P4 text
What's with that compatibility!?
page 003

Table of Contents, page 004

Chapter 1: Dawn
Chapter 2: Early Morning
Chapter 3: Late Morning
Chapter 4: Afternoon
Chapter 5: Evening
Chapter 6: Night
Chapter 7: Late Night
Chapter 8: Daybreak
Egaki (Bonus Art)
Extra Chapter: Dressing Up
Introduction page 005

Long ago, in Japan, during an age ruled by an emperor,
The Udaijin had a daughter, Tachibana, who was 14 years old.
It was time for Seijinshiki, the commencement of adulthood.
Tachibana would soon attend her Mogi, the age commencement ceremony for girls.
But there was one obstacle.
There was someone she had love for with all her heart, to the point of obsession...
Chapter 1, page 006
Chapter 1, Dawn

page 007

Large vertical SE:
P1 d1
Man... the "Coming of Age" ceremony
is so annoying...
What the heck is it for?
I don't get it at all!
P1-2 d2
it is an important ceremony to
commemorate adulthood...
So please be more like a princess!
Please sit up straight! It's not very ladylike.
What if the other maids or your father saw you like that...
p2-3 d3
Whatever Sanuki...
Noriko-sama told me that it was always
good to have lots of energy.
p3 box1
She was my father's sister. She was so great, even the emperor of the time tried proposing to her.
p3 box2
She was a very kind and beautiful person.
p3 d4
Please take care of my daughter Sakura, ok?
page 008

p1 right text
Ah... my first love...
P1 d1
Didn't Noriko-sama pass away a long time ago?
P3 d2
What about Sakura?
Isn't Sakura also coming of age tomorrow?
P3 d3
Yes. She is probably in her room getting ready.
Like an adult.
Like a princess!
P4 d4
Ok. I'm gonna go see her!
P4 se
P4-5 d5
We must prepare you for the Mogi ceremon-
P6 d6
Sorry Sanuki!
P6 text
I have to take care of Sakura! Noriko-sama is depending on me!
page 009

p1 text1
I will protect Sakura!
P1 t2
I may still be a child now...
P1 t3
But tomorrow I'll be an adult!
P2 text
With this hand, I will protect her!
Sakura’s Room
The housewives aren't around.
Hey, Saku-
page 010

p2 d1
Someone help...
P6 d4
Oh? What's this?
Calling out to Tachibana-sama are we?
You really want her to see you like this?
P6 se
くすくす: Hehehe.
P8 d5
That’s right.
Tachibana-sama would most certainly hate you
if she saw you with me.
P8 d6
But don't worry. I'll make you feel
really good, Sakura-sama.
page 011

p1 d1
P4 d2
se: はっ: Ah!
Se: バン!! BAM!
page 012

p3-5 d1
What are you doing to MY Sakura!?
P6 d2
P6 se
P6 se
P6 d3
It's alright Sakura...
page 013

ガタ ガタ: crying (sob, sob)
p3 d1
My, my…
How rude. How violent.
P3 se: ほほ。。。Hohoho...
P3 d2
How manlike.
P3-4 d3
Not very lady-like or princess-like at all.
What would the Udaijin-sama think
of an outburst such as this from his daughter?
Oh, the pity!
P4 Right se: ほほほ: Hohoho!
P4 d4
More like a tomboy that a princess!
Not good character at all!
P4 left se: おほほ: Ohoho!
P5 d5 neatly written dialogue right
So what?
P5 d6 neatly written dialogue left
You think comments like that are going to hurt me?
(top right small balloon)
How embarrassing!
(lower right balloon)
Your father will never have a son in law with you around!
(left messy balloon, all)
You prefer women? Ugh, you beast!
page 014

p1 se: わあああ: Wahhh!!
P2 se: ぽかぽか: punch punch punch
p2 d2
P3 d3
se: ころん: (turn)
P4-5 d4
Don't say such horrible things about Tachibana-sama!
P5 d5
She's kind... and she's caring...!
Se going through d5: ああん: Wahhh!!
Se left p5: わああ: Wahhh!!
P6 se: ぽか: (punch)
P6 d6
Agh! Quit it!
P6 se: ぽか: punch
p8 se: えっ: sniff
p8 se: うえっ: sob
page 015

You silly.
I don’t care if she says those kinds of things about me.
P1 d2
But... but she...
P4 d3
Sigh... what to do.
Now... why didn't you tell me about all this?
P5 d4
I didn't want you to know...
but I'll tell just you, Tachibana-sama.
P5 d5
The things that have happened to me... I'm very dirty...
P6 d6
You are not dirty, Sakura!!
page 016

p1 se:うえ:sob
p1 d1
you don't hate me?
Even... after all the bad things I've been through?
P2-3 d2
I would never hate you!
P3 d3
P3 d4
I love you.
P5 box: Mogi (Coming of Age Ceremony) The Promised Day
P5 d5
There clothes are heavy!
They're hot too! I hate it!
P5 d6
Sanuki, why do I hafta wear this!?
P5 d7
Tachibana-sama! Please!
We're in the middle of the ceremony!
page 017

P1 d1
how is Sakura doing?
P1 d2
She's probably dressed up by now...
yup, yup.
P3 d3
She's beautiful... (heart)
P3 d4
My niece Sakura,
she has grown so big...
Noriko, my sister in heaven, would be delighted as well...
Se:ほろい: So happy~
P3 d5
Yes, she would...
page 018

p1 d1
If only Noriko
was still with us...
p2-3 box 1
Noriko-sama passed away. When I heard the news, I cried for a whole week.
P2 d2
P2 d3
P3 box 2
I was forced to dry my tears...
P4 d4
Ah, Tachibana.
This is Noriko's daughter Sakura.
Please take care of her from now on, ok?
P4 se above Sakura’s head: めそめそ: Wahh... sniff, sob, wahh...
P5-6 d5
Thank you - sniff- for taking me in...
I'm...-sniff- sorry...
P5 d6
She looks just like Noriko-sama...
Se all around her head: えぐ sob えっくsob
p5 d7
It's very nice to... -sniff-
meet you...
I wont -sob-
be any trouble...
えっ sob
p7 text
P7 se むっ Hm!
page 019

p1 d1
You're WAY too different from Noriko-sama!
P1 se だん だん だん stomp stomp stomp
P1 d2
Noriko-sama was always happy, kind, and smiling!
P2 d3
C'mon! Smile already!
se むに tug
P2 d4
Sakura's parents were-
P3 d5
P4 d6
How's this!?
P5 d7
P6 se に。。。ha...
p6 se にこ。。。 Haha...! (smile)
page 020

p1 clear bubble
Sakura smiled and laughed, and even I felt better again.
P1 d1
She doesn't know anything... how cruel.
P1 d2
“Smile Already”…? She’s horrible…
ヒソ whisper
ヒソ whisper
p2 d3
Hey! What are you whispering about over there!?
P3 d4
Don't you know...?
P4 d5
Noriko-sama and her husband were...
P5 D6
murdered by thieves right before her eyes.
page 021
Chapter 2, Early Morning

page 022

Protect Sakura!
P1-2 b2
She must live on-!
P1-2 b3
P2-3 b4
p6 b7
What is the matter,
P6 se
I made this for you!
page 023

p1 b1
I'm so sorry...
P1-2 b2
I said such harsh things to
you and I didn't know what
really happened...
P3 b3
It's ok!
It's thanks to you that
I'm able to laugh again!
Let's be together... forever, ok?
even when we're adults,
What are you doing?
P4 b6
Sakura's ceremony is over now.
P5 b7
Oh, yeah. We were just talking about some past memories.
P5 b8
Well then, I would like to talk about the future.
page 024

p1 b1
Tachibana, as you are aware, you are an heir to this household.
There are duties and rules you must follow.
You are to live in the spacious east house.
P1 b2
Sakura cannot live there, but possibly the north house would be-
P2 written on map: 北:North
P2 se: ビシ: Slap!
P2 b3
No way!
Too far!
P3 b4
I'm ok with this...
P3 b5
As the eldest daughter of royalty, naturally you are to live in the highest class
p4 b6
But I'm nothing but a freeloader, so of course I should live in the worst place...
P5 b7
く そ お や じ
P5 b8
バ カ む す め
page 025

p1se: バチ バチ:(lightning crack noises)
p2 text:
She's scary...
only because she is my daughter...
p3 b1
Tachibana-sama, look.
It's very pretty.
This yard is full of cherry blossom trees,
In the spring, you can see-
P4 se
p4 se: ぶっす: Grrr....
p5 text
A spacious house...
a beautiful yard...
p5 text
Who cares...
P5 se: ザー ザー: rain sounds
Sakura is so far away...
P6 se: ザー ザー: rain sounds
page 026

panel 1
sounds of rain
panel 2:
sounds of rain and barking
panel 3:
sounds of rain, barking, and wind
The dogs...
The wind...
The rain...
ええ, ええ, ええ, えっ
(These are sobbing, crying sounds)
がば (sudden sitting up action/sound)
p6 top right
P6 middle
She's definitely crying!
P6 lower left
This is her first time sleeping alone!
P6 se: ザー ザー more rain sounds
p7se: きゅっ (A tieing sound, tug, pull, knot, w/e)
p8se: バシャ (step, splash, sploosh)
page 027

P2 text
Hm. Probably shouldn't just leap out like that...
P3 se: まっくら。。。:It's pitch black....
P3 b1
Maybe I should have brought a light source...
P3 lower left se: 手燭とか。。。Where's a candle?
P4 b2
North is...
that way, I think...
p5 black se: ぼわ: Fwoosh!
P5 lower impact font se: ビク!!: Yikes!
P6 b3
Oh... just some samurai night guards...
P7 text
If they find me, they'll be sure to drag me back...
p8 b4:se: ぎゃっ Gyaa!!!
page 028

p1 se: べしゃ: SPLAT
P1 b1
p1 b2
Darn, I got all muddy...
P2-3 b3
Why the heck is there a rock there?
A... rock...?
P5-6 text
Oh no...
A stray dog!
page 029

p1 b1
Don't get any closer!
P1 se: ううう: grrr!!!
p1-2 b2
I have to get to her!
Sakura is crying! She needs me!
P4 b3
page 030

p2: がりchomp!
ぎゅう ぎゅうん rawr!!
きゃん きゃう grr! rawr!
I'm here!
page 031

p1 b1
Everything is...
P1-2 b2
p2 b3
p3 b4
P3 b5
P4 se: ゾク: shudder
p5 b6
P5 se: えん えく (crying)
page 032

p1 b1
Where are you!?
P1 se: えっく えっ (crying)
P2 se えぐ (crying)
p2 b2
Down here!
P2 えぐ (crying)
p3 black se: うーん crawl
p3 impact font se: ころん: thump (fallen sound)
p3 black se: うーん:crawl
p3 b3
(mini text above the balloon)
(YOU'RE saying that...!? Hypocrite!)
p4 b4
What are you doing out here?
A princess can't go out into the garden this late at night...
P4 b5
Did you fall down from here?
えぐ えっ えっ (crying)
P5 b6
I wanted to go see you....
P5 b7
Because I thought you were crying, Tachibana-sama...
page 033

P1 b1
Were you scared, Sakura?
P2 べそ sob
p2 b2
P2 b3
And you were all alone?
P4-5 b4
that's why I...
wanted to..
page 034

p1 b1
p1 b2
There is blood all over your
face and clothes...
p2 b3
Ah, sorry.
I got a little roughed up earlier.
page 035

p2 ぎゅうっ hug
If I were a male, this would be a happy ending....
Box 2
Sakura would be my bride, and we would live happily ever after together.
Bottom left text
Just why...
page 036

p1 top right text
Did I have to be born a woman!?
P1 b1
Aren't those your older brother's clothes?
P2 se
You can’t wear those…
P2 b2
Why are you...
P3 b3
Do I look like a man?
P3 b4
No, sorry. You look like a disguised princess.
P3 b5
Not like a man at all.
We're both women...
P4 text
so it could never work...
p4 b6
Your hair is just too long. With hair like that you could
never look like a male...
p5 b7
P5 text
If that's the case...
P6 text
Then I have no other choice!
page 037
Chapter 3, Late Morning

page 038

p1 se:ぐっ: Pull
p2 se: きゃああ: Kyaaa!!!
p3 b1
Tachibana-sama has gone mad!
p3 b2
Young miss! Get somesone here to help, quickly!
p3 b3
I'm cutting my hair!
I'm gonna be a man!
p5 b5
Do you realize what you are doing? Do you know what will happen if you cut it?
You're throwing away everything you have!
p5-6 b6
I know!
So what!?
page 039

p2 b1
p5 b2
Please stop!
Did you really want to throw away everything?
p5-6 b3
Please... don't ruin your beautiful hair!
page 040

p1 b1
Sakura... who cares about my hair?
You're more important!
p1 b2
I can become a man for you!
p3-p4 b3
Please don't...
I don't want to lose you... I don't want to lose any of you either.
p4-5 b4
Please don't even a single hair!
p5 b5
Tachibana-sama... you...
every bit of you is my treasure.
page 041

p1 b1
Every part of you...
p1 b2
Your hair... your face...
your hands...
Your kindness...
your happiness...
Your clothing,
even your home.
p2 b3
I love every part of you.
page 042

Even though we live seperately now...
It's alright.
-bottom left text-
Because our hearts are always together.
There is a letter for you from Sakura-sama.
p2 haiku
(old style untranslatable haiku! But the next message seems to be a modern translation)
p2 parenthesis text
(May the skylark bird bring you word of spring...
and word of my love for you, Tachibana-sama!)
p3 se
p4 se
ごろ ごろ ごろ ごろ
roll roll roll roll
p4 text
p4 d2
Gotta reply! Gotta reply!
p5 haiku
(another old style haiku, again, the parenthesis text is a good modern translation)
p5 parenthesis text
(It's already spring now.
But word of your love already reached me long ago!)
page 044

p1 letter
From Sakura~
Think this looks like me?
p1 text
Wow... it's like...
p1-2 text
We're really lovers!
p3 d1
This is the new housewife, Shikubu.
p3 d2
Hm? Wha?
p3 se
p4 d3
Tachibana-sama, you are already 15 years old.
You are now of age to marry.
p4 d4
Your father the Udaijin-sama says that you are to learn
etiquette and acquire knowledge on being a proper bride-
p5 d5
Dad said what!? Agh!
p5 se
Bye bye
p5 d5
I don't think I'm gettin' married!
page 045

p1 d1
Well, and why is that?
p1 d2
Agh, go away!!
p4 se
p5 d3
ヒソ ヒソ ヒソ
whisper, whisper
p8 d4
What's with you all!?
p8 d5
If you've got something to say, then say it!
p9 d6
... that letter... it was a love letter...
page 046

Sakura-sama has been sending Tachibana-Sama love letters...
Are... they lovers?
Or Sakura-sama could just be desperate...
We should just drive out that freeloader...
Maybe she wants Tachibana-sama to take her in?
I thought they were both adults...
No, she must be trying to deceive Tachibana-sama...
ヒソ ヒソ
Whisper, whisper
Perhaps moving Sakura to a different house was for the best...
Hey! Wait a moment!
I sent her love letters too!
page 047

This looks bad for Sakura!
p1 se
p2 text 1
It's all my fault...
p2 text 2
Because of me, they're saying horrible things about her!
p3 white balloon text
I love Sakura...
p3 lower text
So I have to do something!
p3 letters
(Gushy love letters to various nobles)
p4 d2
Send these to the Minister of the Left's second son and the Chief Counselor of State's second son!
p4 d3
Then send one to San no Miya's second son...
Then send the rest to any noble's son at all!
p5 d4
Are these... love letters?
Are you sure?
p5 d5
But I thought you... and Sakura...
page 48

p1 d1
It's camouflage!
p1 d2
With this, we'll be able to hide the truth!
p1 d3
This will make everyone say instead: "Oh, Tachibana likes guys after all!"
p2 d4
But... Tachibana-sama, that's... scandalous...
p4 b5
top text
Thank you for your letter, eldest daughter of the Udaijin!
I would love to meet you...
left lower text
I love you too!
Let's meet up!
lower right text
Ooh! I wanna become the Udaijin's son in law!
I'd love to meet you!
p5 d6
What the hell is with these replies!!
page 049

p1 d1
Ugh... this one...
this one too...
p2 d2
I see you're already interested in marriage!
p3 d3
Ooh, papa recommends the head of imperial records' Fujiwara-kun...
p3 d4
"Papa"...? (ick...)
p3 se
ウキ ウキ
Hehe! Hehe! (note: this laugh sound, uki uki, is not unlike the sound a monkey makes!)
p4 d5
p4 se
きゃ は☆
p4 d6
I'm the Head of Imperial Records!
p5 d7
The Udaijin-sama has already given me his approval
as an acceptable suitor! ★
p5 d8
They say you're a bit of a hooligan, Tachibana-chan, but I don't think so!
p5 d9
Urgh... I want to hit him...
p6 text
Do it for Sakura!
Do it for Sakura!
p7 d10
Oh, I'm not sure about marriage just yet!
p7 se
p7 d11
But pleased ta meetcha!★★
page 050

p1 d1
Yes! Pleased to meet you!~ ((*^.^)/
p1 se
p1 d2
I... can't... stand him!
p2 se
So... tired...
p2 d3
Huh. I thought Tachibana-sama and Sakura-sama were lovers...
p2 d4
Doesn't look like it.
p3 d5
Then, what was with those love letters?
Was it unrequited love?
p3 d6
Nah, it could have all been a joke!
p4 d7
Yes, Tachibana-sama sent love letters to the Minister of the Left's son, and some others...
She's been sending all those love letters to all those nobles, she seems to like men after all!
p4 d8
Ho ho ho,
there's no way the two girls are lovers!
p5 d9
Hm, she has a point.
p5 d10
Well, Sanuki, you know her the best... I guess you're right.
page 051

p1 se
Thumbs up!
p2 d1
Thanks, Sanuki!
p3 d1
p4 text
Is all for you, Sakura!
p5 d2
Ugh! How annoying!
That idiot just won’t give up!
p5 letter: (REALLY gushy love letter from the Head of Records)
Hey, someone...
p6 d3
Mail this letter to that idio-
p6 d4
I mean, that head record guy please...
page 052

Hello, I'm a recipient of a letter from you.
Yeah, nice to meet you.
drop drop
p6 d3
Are you... really... getting married..?
s6 d4
Chapter 4, Afternoon
Page 053

Page 054

I'm so..
for you...
No! That's not how it is!
p4 se: ん (kiss)
Page 055

p2 se ぎゅ clench
p2-3 d1
I'm not getting married!
I don't love that idiot at all!
p3 d2
All my love is only for you, Sakura!
p4 d3
p4 d4
The Head of Imperial Records is a very elite noble, isn't he?
Marrying him or any noble's son would bring you so much status...
p5 d5
But me... I'm nothing. You have nothing to gain by being with me...
p5 d6
So that's why...
p5 d7
I am always praying for your happiness from afar...
p5 d8
Page 056

p1 se ぐっ tug
p6 se ポタ drip
p11 d1
With this...
Kanji on Tachibana's arm: Sakura
p11 d2
I can't marry anyone else!
Page 057

p1-2 d1
Why... to do that to your body...
p2 se: あは Haha! (heart)
p2 d2
You'll scar...
p2-3 d3
Oh, not a scar. I'd call it a very special "Mark of Proof"!
p4 d4
Proof that everything I do... is for you, Sakura!
page 58

p1 d1
Then I too,
p1 d2
Will carve your name on my body!
p1 d3
p2 se: する
p2-3 d4
Sakura... if your body is going to have
a mark of any kind, it will be this...
p3 d5
p3 se: ちゅうっ
p5 d6
There... there's a mark for your love for me too!
p6 se
p6 se
Hope I didn't scratch you...
p6 d7
page 059

p1-2 d1
Please, more...
Cover my...
p2-3 d2
entire body with your mark...
p3 se ゴクン
p5 d6
page 60

p1 se れろ
p2 d1
p1 se
p4 d2
p4 d3
p5 d4
p5 d5
Here too...
p5 d6
p5-6 d7
And here...
p6 se
p6 d8
page 61
p1-2 d1
p2 se
p2 d2
I've come to visit! (>.<);
p5 se
page 62

p1 se
p2 se
p3-4 d1
What are you two-
p4 d2
p5-6 d3

p1 d1
If you tell ANYONE...
you understand, right?
p1-3 d2
Th-that girl...
She's the freeloader, isn't she?
what... why...
are you... lovers?
p3 d3
But... you're both women...
p4 d4
Things like that don't matter.
I love her even still.
p4 d5
If it's for Sakura, I'll destroy anyone in my path.
p5-6 d6
But I don't understand...
How can you go that far?
p6-7 d7
No one has ever shown that kind of love for me...
p7 d8
Why... has no one ever loved me?
What am I missing?
page 64

p1 d1
I'm sure you'll find someone...
p1 d2
someone you can love, and who will love you back.
p2-3 d3
If you love someone with all your heart,
surely they too will love you back.
It won't just happen. It has to come from your heart first....
p4 d4
p6 d5
...Thank you.
page 65

p1 d1
Can you teach me then?
How to love and be loved back?
p1 d2
We're friends after all!
p2 d3
Well, then, I'm retiring for tonight!
Sorry for intruding!
p2 d4
hey! Idiot-guy!
p3 se
p4-5 d5
No... I mean,
Keeper of Imperial Archives-sama,
p5 d6
Thank you for understanding!
page 66

p1 se
stomp stomp
p1 -p2 d1
p2 se
stomp stomp
p2-3 d2
p3-p4 d3
We recieved a letter from his majesty the emperor!
It's... about Sakura.
p4-5 d4
It's a request for Nyougo Jyudai!
p5 se
p5 top left text
(A Jedi Knight...?)
p5 d5
Jye... dai?
p6 d6
page 67

p1 d1
p2 d2
"Whuh", nothing!
The emperor wants Sakura!
p2 d3
Nyougo Jyudai means... he wants to add her to his inner palace harem!
p3 d4
I refuse!
p4 se
p5 d5
You cannot refuse the emperor!
He has the status of a god.
p5 d6
His word is absolute law.
p5 d7
To go against him means the death penalty!
page 68

p1 d1
D- death!?
p2 d2
Don't think it would apply to just you...
If you refuse the emperor's request,
The death penalty extends to your family as well.
Your father, your brother,
Even the servants of your household...
no one close to you will escape his punishment...
(note from Tsundere Yuriko: for some reason, the image link to page 68 isn't showing up on my screen... here is page 68:
Uh-huh... didn't know about the rape part. Oh well; hopefully I will be able to get over it somehow. -_-
It seems pure yuri manga isn't that easy to find after all.
Are you sure the title is "Aishi wo Tome"? The Japanese sites I saw gave the reading as "Itoshi (W)otome" ("Dear Maiden(s)"), which makes more sense, and there doesn't seem to be a reading on the cover or title page.
Aishi is what Shijima said it was... that could or may not be the case.
I'll figure it all out before the final chapter. This is only a working name. I still don't know what I want to call it yet. It's confusing. I really think that is an wo subject marker, not otome. Though Dear Maidens sounds like a nice name. I really wish there was a hiragana reading! And if it really is a wo, is the tome part the verb Tomu or tomeru? Also, if it was Otome, Otome has it's own kanji reading. And yet so does Tomeru and Tomu... (pulls hair out)
And yeah Winterbraid, it happens in the later chapters. Twice. I don't like it either, but I assume the main characters bear it and grow closer.
Itoshi wo Tome may be right.
Then what's with the Kimi ga Kokoro wa part...?
Bah. Forget it for now. I'll just concentrate on uploading chapter 2 and starting chapter 3 and sort it out later!!! Me, Winterbraid, and Shijima already had a whole email conversation about this, and none of us could figure out a name for it!!!
Yuriko: Sometimes words that begin with "o" are written with the "wo" character instead. It appears to give words an old-fashioned feel, and since this manga is set in the past, it would make sense for them to do that here. Since neither "tomeru" or "tomu" makes much sense here, I'm inclined to go with the "otome" reading.
"愛" is read as "ai" when it is a noun or a verb, and "ito" when it is an adjective. They dropped the final "i," but it does appear to be "愛しい" ("itoshii") here.
I would interpret the "Kimi ga kokoro wa" as a trailing-off "Your heart is..." Google doesn't turn up any useful results for it, so my best guess is that it's a more poetic way of saying "kimi no kokoro wa." You may want to check with a native speaker on that one, though.
If you have questions about title readings in the future, please feel free to ask me. My contact info is in my profile.
I KNEW I should have taken that classical Japanese class back at college! You're absolutely right about the wo! I remember a while back, a friend of mine took the class and was telling me about it. I googled around for a bit to confirm it. Look at that... they wrote the title in classical Japanese. I'm so narrow minded I didn't even think of that. Thank you so much! And yes, that Itoshi without the extra "I" confused the heck out of me. I am no poet, I always try to look at things too literally...
Me and Winterbraid also thought the Kimi part could mean emperor. We didn't like the idea of that being in the title...
If there ARE any native Japanese speakers here, I would love to hear from you!
Yuriko: I think it's unlikely that "kimi" refers to the emperor. But now that you've got me thinking about alternate meanings for it, I think it's "kimi" as a term of affection. Yahoo's Japanese-Japanese dictionary gives this as one of the definitions: "人を敬慕・親愛の情をこめていう語。「いとしの―」"
This usage of it has an old-fashioned feel for me, which fits with the rest of the title.
The "wa" is probably this definition, also from Yahoo: "(文末にあって)感動・詠嘆を表す。…ことよ。…だなあ。…よ。" McCullough's Bungo Manual confirms this: "In final position, wa follows a substantive or a rentaikei, or combines with another particle in such expressions as ya wa, ka wa, and zo wa. It conveys emotion or emphasis."
So it's just to show feeling. "You[, my beloved/dear/whatever,] are my heart."
Sorry I didn't catch that before. I should've thought to consider old-fashioned meanings for the second half of the title too.
Thanks again, that's very helpful!
I am just so glad the manga itself wasn't written in classical Japanese. Then it would have been impossible!
I've tried reading classical Japanese before. But to me it's harder than reading Shakespearean English. Modern Japanese has had so many changes since the feudal era.
Erin, I'll have a note giving a special thanks to you in the credits! Wait... I just noticed. You're the owner of Yurizuki! Why haven't I linked to you yet!? I better go fix that.
You're welcome. Sorry I messed up the second part of the title before!
I don't particularly enjoy reading classical Japanese or Shakespearean English. But the sort of pseudo-classical language that's used in some period manga isn't so bad--they just throw in a few common words and markers to give it the right feel.
Yes, is mine. You don't need to credit or link me; that's very kind of you.
Hey Erin, I just thought of something else. Looking at the omake again reminded me that the character shi can be used with an "and" meaning for a list of things. Could it be possible the title is read as Ai (and) otome?
Hold the phone. I found two classical Japanese entries for 愛し... If the title is truly in classical Japanese, wouldn't Utsukushi Otome make sense, and sound nicer?
愛し 【うつくし】 beautiful, lovely
愛し 【をし】 pretty, charming, lovely
I found these using the classical dictionary of the program JWPce.
After seeing that there will be rape of the main characters, I'm hesitant to read it...
Stuff like that in yuri always makes my heart ache, but at the same time, I do like reading yuri with a more mature slant sometimes.
Hopefully, the rape parts won't be too bad.
Thanks for the releases.
Yeah, sorry, but that's the way this manga is. The scenes are brief, yet still quite there.
I'll include warnings of the content of each chapter in the chapter list above.
That's really great to warn the readers. Sometimes I get a bit taken back and surprised when I see rape and was not expecting it.
Thanks. ^ ^
@Yuriko: I think "Ai & Otome" is unlikely. The other classical readings are possible (though I wouldn't say any of the readings sound better than the others)--have you tried doing a Google search with the title in kanji plus each of the readings? That's how I found the sites listing it as "Itoshi" (and determined that nobody was reading it as "Aishi"). "Itoshii" can also mean "lovely," so either "dear" or "lovely" is a possible meaning regardless of the reading. I think it's something you'll have to determine after you've read the book and thoroughly considered each possible meaning in that context. I haven't read it myself, so I can't help you with that part. Sorry!
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